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Monday, May 5, 2014


FW: Top on Google


From: []
Sent: Saturday, 26 April 2014 5:35 AM
Subject: Top on Google



I don't know if you're the right person to speak with on this, however, I have just found your website while doing a little research online.

I noticed while you have a decent looking website, you don’t appear in Google’s organic listings for a whole bunch of keywords pertaining to your industry.

I work for an Online Marketing agency based in Melbourne and which could get you guys a lot more leads online. Whether that is through making sure you appear in the organic listing (where over 80% of people click) on Google, or just by making sure your website convert a lot more visitors into leads.

Given your current landing page, I can only assume it's not converting anymore than 3% of people visiting your site.

I hope you don't mind me emailing, I just find it a little less invasive from calling you up and interrupting what ever it is you are doing at this present moment :)

If this sounds like something of interest, or something you would like to explorer further - simply reply with full contact details and I will give you a quick buzz. Because this is not our main website domain

Best regards,


Marketing Manager

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