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Monday, June 2, 2014


FW: Cost Efficient SEO Plan According to Latest Trend


From: Anshu []
Sent: Monday, 2 June 2014 7:23 PM
Subject: Cost Efficient SEO Plan According to Latest Trend


Hello and Good Day!

I am a Marketing Executive for an Internet marketing company based in India, New Delhi.

While studying your website I couldn’t help noticing it lacked any significant ranking in Google - for most of your keywords. As you already suspect, this means your site is virtually invisible to potential customers searching for a supplier in your field.

It’s as though you’d made an expensive TV ad and then forgotten to buy any airtime for people to see it!

My company can solve this problem for you. We are a Google Accredited Company, with over 7 years experience in the field of Search Engine Optimization. We have the expertise to send hundreds, or even thousands, of customers to your website.

Make your website visible on Search Engines!

Improve your business website ranking!!

What this would cost!!!

If you’d like to know this information, you’re welcome to write back and ask. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,


Online Marketing Manager

Note: If you are not interested then you can reply with a simple \"NO\",We will never contact you again. 

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June 14, 2014 at 7:51 PM delete

Thank you so much for these efforts!
