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Wednesday, May 7, 2014


FW: Boost your website traffic


From: James carter []
Sent: Thursday, 8 May 2014 12:52 PM
Subject: Boost your website traffic



Hi Sir /Madam,


I was going through your website and I found it impressive!!! However,when I search for your business keywords I see your competitors ranked on 1st page whereas I am unable to see your website anywhere on the 1st page of Google.


You being not ranked there on top, you are missing out on all those easy prospects who have been searching for your products/services aggressively.


Don’t you think you should ranked on 1st page of Google so your prospects can easily land on your website, put an enquiry and you can contact them for business?


 Our Steps and the Activities to Rank You 1st Page on Google!


 1. Keywords Research

 2. Competition Analysis

 3. Optimized Content Creation

 4. Keywords Optimization

 5. Back Link Creation/Link Building

 6. Submission to Search Engines and Directories

 7. Submission to Article Directories


We are a team of 750+ professionals which includes 530 full time SEO experts. We are proud to inform you that our team handled 2,000+ SEO projects.


Please let me know if you have further questions about the same.


Contact us for the best quote for your website & we’ll place your website on 1st page Google ranking for targeted keywords.


Thanks& Regard


Business Development Manager

James carter


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November 27, 2014 at 6:33 AM delete

Increase Real Traffic on your WEBSITE

It WORKS for me

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