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Monday, May 5, 2014


FW: If increase your online sales by Stay with 1st page on Google


From: Reese Mathur []
Sent: Saturday, 26 April 2014 1:40 AM
Subject: If increase your online sales by Stay with 1st page on Google



Hope you are doing well.

I am Reese from Smart SEO Ranking.

We, at Smart SEO Ranking noticed your website in the Google Search Engine.

Over 80% of online visitors focus on the 1st page of Google or any search engine results. If your website does not make it to the first page, you can lose on potential traffic on your webpage and consequently revenue for your company.

I took the liberty of browsing through your website and realized that despite having a good design it is not ranking on any of the search engines for most keywords pertaining to your domain.

There may be some reason for which you are not getting enough Organic search engine & Sociall media traffic for your business website.

We offer you more effective and more affordable solution! We will take your website to the No1 Position of Google organic listing that too on the first page of search results for your any number of keywords when more than 80% of web users rely to find their desired product or service.

If you want to push your website to Page 1 on Google you could ask our experts who will provide you a detailed WEBSITE AUDIT REPORT without any cost.

I will be happy to present you a proposal that not only improve your site visibility in SERP but it will build a brand for your business.

We work with Google algorithmic updates (Google Panda, Google Penguin).

I look forward to hearing from you!


Thanks & Regards

Reese Mathur

Business Development Manager

SEO | SEM | SMO | Link Building |Internet Marketing

Smart SEO Ranking

Tel: +91-8260794414 & Skype ID: smartseorankingno1

Email: -


DISCLAIMER: We understand that you almost certainly get a lot of spam emails every day, but I am a real person and not a spam bot. This e-mail message may contain proprietary or legally honored information. We are real SEO Company not a spammer.

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