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Monday, May 12, 2014


FW: Do you want to go to google 1st page ranking


From: andy.roddick []
Sent: Monday, 12 May 2014 7:28 PM
Subject: Do you want to go to google 1st page ranking



I am andy.roddick, Business Development Executive. We are an Online marketing &  web-development firm based Delhi- NCR in India 

We offer:-

  • SEO - Top Google Search Rankings
  • SMO- Facebook/Twitter/Youtube
  • PPC/Adwords Campaign Managment
  • Web Design
  • Web Development 
  • Mobile Apps(Android / IPhone)

 We are headed and guided by Ex-google Employee. 

I was surfing through your website   and checked it for a few keywords on Google. Unfortunately, it was not ranking well on any of those. As per the trends in your industry – over 80% of people search for your products/services online and buy the same. These rankings also influence other channels of sales as well.

In the current online market scenario, SEO (search engine optimization) is one of the popular services that are required for any online business. We are a leading SEO Service provider have team of professionals and 500 sites optimized. We are providing top ranking in the major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.

There is a simple equation that is applicable to the online Business world.

Ethical SEO -> More Traffic ->More Sales 

Just wondering, if you would be interested in getting the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) done for your website and improving the position of your website for the key terms your clients would be using to search your services. In case you require any additional information, it shall be our pleasure to furnish the same. No obligations.

Do let me know if you are interested and I would be happy to give you details about our past work details, methodology and pricing etc.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Kind Regards,  


Business Development Executive

Sales Team





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