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Thursday, July 24, 2014


Affordable Guest Posting Services


From: Ramesh Kumar []
Sent: Thursday, 24 July 2014 9:00 PM
Subject: Re: Affordable Guest Posting Services



Greeting for the glorious day


Please refer to my previous mail in which we've sent you the guest posting services but we couldn't get any response from you. Now, we're writing to you to know your views regarding our guest posting services.


Now a days, After many Google updates in last few months Google give more value to the unique content which present on the web regarding your business so our guest posting increase the unique content regarding your business over the internet that's why guest posting is playing a vital role in the search engine ranking. We write 500 to 600 words unique article for each guest post and then we post it on unique and relevant websites with 2 links of your website.


We follow strict quality criteria to select the websites to post the client's website content, our quality criteria are following:


• We provide you relevant and thematic link, from authentic and well functioning websites. 

• All links must be "do follow" links.

• We ensure that it should not be a 'FFA' (Free For All) site.

• We ensure that the sites must be related to the theme of the campaign.

• We ensure the webmaster to use the proper anchor text/description.

• All links are built manually. 

• All the links are permanent, which we guarantee to work for a long run. 

• We offer customized services to specific requirements.

• Website must have at least PR2+


Waiting for your positive and sooner response


Thanks & Regards

Ramesh Kumar


P.S. This is an advertisement and a promotional mail strictly on the guidelines of CAN-SPAM act of 2007. We have clearly mentioned the source mail-id of this mail, also clearly mentioned the subject lines and they are in no way misleading in any form. We have found your mail address through our own efforts on the web search and not through any illegal way. If you find this mail unsolicited, please reply with"Remove" in the subject line and we will take care that you do not receive any further promotional mail.


On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Ramesh Kumar <> wrote:


Greeting for the glorious day


As per the recent news, Google has brought up the new changes in the guest posting techniques. So Google gives more weightage to the Guest Posting. Web Portal India is following that changes and doing the more useful Guest Posting by posting the unique and different articles. It has grown to be one of the most


influential off-page SEO strategies for promoting brand and products alongside building relationships with the clients. It is one of the best ways to create brand awareness and online visibility.


By guest posting you can get an editorial link, which is one of the best links to help you in pulling your website rank higher. To guest post you need to go through a long process. You need to find relevant websites for your niche ad filter them on criteria like total traffic, page rank, editorial guidelines, update frequency, lack of paid posts, Twitter followers, RSS subscribers, and many other important criteria.


If you use our guest posting service you need not do anything, we will do all this for you. A guest post service helps you in getting highly relevant editorial links by working for you. We offer you a top class guest posting service. We write high quality guest post, find relevant websites and contact the website owner to post our guest post.  This guest post includes a link to your site.  It will help you in getting high quality back links.


Benefits of guest Post:


1) Increase your business content over the internet
2) Increase your quality back links and Google give highest value to guest post links now a days
3) Increase your search Engine ranking
4) Increase your website's Link Popularity
5) Increase your sales by getting link popularity and high ranking over the search engine etc


So above are some benefits of Guest posting and there are many more benefits.


We guarantee you that you will be happy with the quality of work, which cater the needs of your company's website. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do feel free to communicate with us. Please inform us your availability for us to prepare everything for you.


Waiting for your positive and sooner response


Thanks & Regards
Ramesh Kumar


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