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Thursday, July 10, 2014


FW: Seo Proposal

From: Alisha Kapoor []
Sent: Friday, 11 July 2014 9:07 AM
Subject: Seo Proposal


Thank you for taking time out to read this e-mail. I would like to explore an opportunity of working with you as your Business Coach.

1. Has your Website become the victim of Google Panda & Penguin Update, results the Down Ranking in Search Engines?
2. Do you want to get more Targeted Visitors on your Website?
If yes, please let us know your Domain Name (for ‘Free Analysis Report’) which you want to Optimize. We will help them find you by putting you on the First Page of Google Search.
We are working as an Outsourced Vendor for many Reputed Agencies based in U.S.A., U.K., Canada and Australia.
Please e-mail us back to get a Full Proposal.
Thank you once again for your time and attention.
Have a good day!

Alisha Kapoor
Manager - Web Promotion 

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